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At Serve the Kingdom, we desire to be good stewards of what God has given us, and one aspect of that is financial transparency and accountability. Everyone has access to our financial documents to provide assurance that your donation is being used effectively. 

Financial Accountability

100% Model

We desire transparency for all of our donors. When public donations are made on our website, a 2% fee is taken out, but to ensure your intended donation has the greatest impact, we make up the difference and your gift goes straight to the communities we serve. Generous private donors fund operating costs, such as staff salaries, flights, and website and marketing fees. These donors often fundraise and establish campaigns. Other invaluable donations we receive are non-monetary, including technology, furniture, clothing, and school supplies.

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Serve the Kingdom International Ministries works primarily in La Paz, Honduras, providing resources, job training opportunities, and biblical education to the unresourced. We must take care of the widows, orphans, and the unreached for the sake of the gospel.


The Olive Branch


Staff and Board



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3504 Kamer Miller Road, New Albany, IN 47150  |         812.216.2926  | 
© 2023 Serve the Kingdom International Ministries, all rights reserved  |          The tree logo belongs exclusively to Serve the Kingdom and may not be used or replicated without permissions.  |  Serve the Kingdom International Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  |  All donations are tax-deductible by law.
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